Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hate funds the Terrorists

Keith Olbermann blew me away with his special comment again. Keith, your special comment is the best part of the show. Don’t hold back, and you don’t need to apologize for doing more.

Hate is driving the McCain campaign now. For a sobering moment I’ve been surfing the racists forums on the interwebs. I noticed two things right away. First, these morons cannot write. Like Jethro Bodine, they done have their schoolin’ cut short, but they knows their cipherin’. Second, I couldn’t help but notice the abundance of anonymous postings. They don’t want to own their own words. Hate does that. In masse, hate is condemned, but behind closed doors many celebrate it - to their own detriment. I shouldn’t surprised when it spills to the surface.

After many hateful episodes in my life I have come to terms with the emotion of hate. Hate is worthless. Hate is easily obtained and hard to get rid of. Hate is only detrimental to my life, and hate is, without a doubt, the stupidest way to spend my time. Nothing I have ever done, worth anything, came from hate. My hate filled rants have only a detrimental value. Hate leaves me powerless to objectively understand my own actions, forfeiting my free will. It’s an all losing, all encompassing emotion to nowhere.

The Grand Old Party of hate

Regardless of the perception, the Republican party is all inclusive. Anyone who shares in hate can easily join, so there’s a certain symmetry, a certain Zen to John McCain playing the hate card. Why wouldn’t he? Like an easily spooked feral cat, hate seems to energize the republican base like nothing else. Why? Because hate is what the Republican party is built on. It’s that hate which identifies Republicans as tough on crime, tough on defense, tough on everyone who doesn’t tow the line. If you’re not with us, your against us. Or, as my grandpa McCain says, “I ain’t fur ya, I’m agin’ ya.” [My favorite republican line: “We don’t like your kind ‘round here.”]

Appealing to the basest of the base the grand old party has become a place where anti-Semites can congregate openly with misogynists, where homophobes can bond with racists, where the neo-con hawks can reach out and support our war with the KKK while throwing lavish junkets brought to you by the pharmaceutical companies while raising money to help keep out the flood of ethnic brown people crossing our borders.

Congressman Michelle Bachmann wears her hate on her sleeve. Friday she asked about Barack Obama's patriotism and suggested that the rest of Congress be investigated to determine which ones are "anti-American." Congressman Bachmann was elected after keeping the film “Aladdin” from being shown at a middle school in her district. Apparently, Aladdin delves too deep into witchcraft for her taste. I can only imagine she yelled in agreement with the mob in Monty Python and the Holy Grail to “burn the witch!” After being turned into a newt I can sympathize. (I got better.)

Keith let loose with another great special comment. Keep it up Keith!

If you’d like to know more about my battles with hate, check out my previous post, Racism in Texas.

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