Thursday, April 7, 2011

A callous disregard for human life - The Republican Party

Cruelty is wrong.

I’ve been bitten with the morality bug. Up on my high horse, looking down at the state of things, I pass my moral judgments as if I was a god. Arrogance. Absolute arrogance, but I can’t seem to help myself.

Cruelty is wrong. It does not take a god to recognize cruelty as immoral, but I think this issue needs illumination if only because it’s not in the bible. Hurting other human beings for no reason is cruel. It shows a callous disregard for human life. A true lack of empathy.

I shouldn’t be surprised. The republicans have a long history of a callous disregard for human life. Pick any issue. Which way will the republicans vote? If the bill will make poor people poorer and/or make rich people richer - - that is how the republican party will vote. Will the bill deny rights to a minority? Mark the republican vote AYE.

I think it was Gandhi who said, “poverty is the worse kind of violence.” He was right. And yet, the republican party continues to dish out cruelty whenever they can.

Consider, we have enough food for everyone. We have enough clothing for everyone. We have enough materials to build homes for everyone. No other country on the planet will invade the United States. And, most importantly, you don’t have to believe in Jesus to do the right thing.

Two-thirds (2/3) of the prison population (over 2 million) are there for non-violent drug offenses costing us over $35,000 a year, each. Consider the cost of maintaining the current levels of law enforcement, the cost of the judicial system, and the cost of lives paid to maintain this war on drugs. Consider the cost inflicted upon our neighbors. For now Mexico is fighting our war.

Then consider what we would gain by ending the war on drugs. Instantly, world-wide terrorism would end. Drug money funds terrorist almost exclusively as does gangs. Go to the wiki page Gangs in the United States.

Since the FBI has leveled its gaze at worldwide terrorism, its mission has decreased the desire to fight the never-ending drug war. 2007 estimates place gangs at 30,000 with 800,000 active members. This has become a national security issue. And what do the republicans do? Nothing. They are happy to watch the poor and disenfranchised suffer. Cruelty is wrong.

When the republicans lost their minds over healthcare-for-all they also showed a callous disregard for human life. It is cruel to refuse medical treatment based on income. Other countries can do it. Why can’t we? Money, they say. We don’t have enough money, they say. That’s not true. That’s a lie. Truth is, they just don’t want to pay for it. They love their pennies more than the human life it could save. Cruel. Callous.

Planned Parenthood de-funding offers the republicans the chance hurt poor women. How can they resist? Knowing full well that abortions are usually done through medications now, this is a chance for republicans to deny women life saving medical procedures; to actually kill poor women. Why wouldn’t the republicans be for this? By definition this shows a callous disregard for human life.

Using my ultra-keen, ultra-conservative, ultra-atheistic, highly arrogant morality I hereby declare 46 percent of Mississippi republicans as racists. Why is this important? Slavery. I’ve been watching the Ken Burns documentary on the Civil War, again. Apparently, our country had to murder millions of each other in an effort to end the practice of total subjugation. Slavery.

Without a doubt in my arrogant mind, I deem slavery as immoral. Normal people don’t really look at such a statement as going out on a limb. Say it among Mississippi republicans and you might think different.

Thus is the plight of the republicans. Among their own they would reinstate slavery, place homosexuals in prison (if they didn’t execute them), deny healthcare to everyone but the richest elites, and take away the vote from women while subjugating them even further. Be mindful, they wouldn’t do it themselves. They’d outsource it to India.

And on we go into the Christian right-wing nugent center of the republican party as they continue to offer cover for worst of the worst. For years it has been evident that the Roman Catholic Church is a pedophile ring. This time, with 21 priests suspended in Philadelphia, the reality of a Christian NAMBLA is irrefutable. As usual the media covered it like a special interest piece; like an oddity; something unusual is happening in Philadelphia today.

How can this not outrage the public? How can anyone with a soul give money to the Catholic Church?

If we found out that employees at Walmart were raping children and that the Walmart executives, including the CEO, were helping their employees rape children, they would all be in handcuffs. The Pope and his clan of child rapists need to be arrested.

I came across a very useful website. It’s called: Bishop Accountability .org. Wow. There it is. The entire Catholic pedophile ring, right there in one place.

A callous disregard for human life?* see: The Republican Party.

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