Thursday, May 8, 2008

Vote for Hate? Vote Republican

It’s hard to ignore the republican tradition of hate groups among it’s midst. If you hate immigrants - you are most likely a republican. If you hate gay people - republican. If you hate non-Christians you’re a republican. (Let’s not forget that the Bible was written in English, just like the way Jesus spoke.) It wasn’t long ago when women would be ostracized from the community for conceiving a child, which leads me to believe that anti-abortion republicans are more about hate against the woman for having sex. It’s a tradition of hate.

I knew the Ku Klux Klan were republicans ever since Louisiana’s David Duke took the podium. I always wondered if the Nazi’s were republicans - until today.

Candidate speaks at Hitler birthday party

Indiana’s 2nd Congressional district has a new republican candidate, Tony Zirkle, who sees nothing wrong with Nazi’s. (What a douche bag.)

Living in liberal Austin, I am unaccustomed to racism on a regular basis. Just outside of Austin, that’s another story. I run into these dim bulbs all the time. Talking with the guys at the auto junk yard in Williamson country, I’m struck by the weird logic they use to justify their hate. Even though they rarely read anything, suddenly, they become tenured history professors and begin recounting the lead-up to WWII and how the Jews started the whole thing. I’m left wondering if they can spell Ph.D. (Dumb asses )

They sound exactly like the republican, Tom Cruise.

There’s no real thought behind what they say. It’s all dogma and brainwashing. Like Martha Stewart, El Diablo.

1 comment:

Freida Bee said...

Oh yes, to watch that video of Tom again.... What a treat. It's good to do so lest I forget. I did not technically know he was a Republican, but it does figure. It's funny to hear a Scientologist say psychiatry is a pseudo-science. Well, kinda.