Thursday, August 2, 2007

An open letter from President Bush to Lindsay Lohan

Dear Lindsay,

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You couldn’t of been arrested at a better time. My political ambition of bombing democracy into Iraq was looking bleak until you, Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie decided to the join forces and pull the the media hounds into covering your personal problems. Bravo!! It’s difficult for me to put into words the relief I felt when Paris was put in jail. You and your arrest have given me a respite from constant attack coverage of the liberal media. For that brief moment in time, hundreds of liberal media outlets threw away their journalistic ethics and spent their time covering the inane and lurid; something I have been begging them to do for years. Don’t they understand that covering the war is helping the terrorist?
Television news is silly that way. They are totally unable to resist a celebrity being arrested. For that reason I am asking my buddy Alberto to dedicate a considerable amount of resources to combating celebrity law breakers. They need to be stopped for the greater good.

You, Lindsay Lohan, have indirectly helped this country fight terrorism by sidetracking these liberal media hounds. For that alone, I am awarding you the medal of freedom.

Congratulations. Thats a Heckuva job.
Not many others could of handled the press the way you did. So, when the judge asks you if you have anything to say about the incident, tell him that you did it for freedom. Tell him you did it for democracy in Iraq. Tell him you took drugs and blamed the black man because you are a patriot, and if he doesn’t buy that, tell him that I said, sending you to jail is just one more way he can help fight for this war. If he doesn’t send you to jail, tell him he is a traitor to this country. Dick Cheney said it best when he said, "If only the media did their job and covered these Hollywood harlots, I could get to work rebuilding Iraq by fueling this civil war." We don’t need more liberal bloggers, we need more celebrity arrests.

God Bless Me, uh, I mean, God Bless America,


p.s. you never call anymore.

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