I arrived after 3:00, so I missed most of the good stuff. (My doctor said it was medically necessary to wake up slowly on Saturday and putter around the house and watch T.V. - for medicinal purposes. )
Anonymous told me the turn out was around 90 members in the morning and a BBC truck stopped by around noon. I’m guessing the BBC was here to do a piece about South by Southwest which is going on now in Austin and decided to cover the COS protest.
Anonymous truly impressed me. A great bunch. They’re doing the right thing, fighting the right fight, and putting themselves on the line to protect the public from a cult. Good job anonymous! Keep it up.
Anonymous continues to try and chip away at Scientology’s tax exempt status. Good luck. That could take years. I suggested going after Scientology for practicing medicine without a license, because that’s what they do. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to find out how many people they’ve killed by trying to treat mental illness with an e-meter. For readers of my blog that don’t know much about the Church of Scientology, check out Xenu.net.
The page is called “Operation Clambake.” It’s definitely worth the read. They’ve got a long list of people hurt by the L. Ron Hubbard cult.
By my estimation, if Anonymous could convince only a hand full of doctors and mental health professionals to go after Scientology for unlicensed medical care, they could shut the doors on the Church of Tom Cruise within a year. The COS has the right to say they don’t believe in psychiatry, but they don’t have a right to prescribe an e-meter for schizophrenia.
Doctors are territorial when it comes to their profession and the e-meter is just another prescription. I don’t think Tom Cruise went to medical school - even in the movies.
nice report about fighting the right fight and all, but you missed out on one of the most important aspects; this was a lot of fun.
Anonymous salutes you back!
heh, and you should watch your hits jump when word starts getting passed around. ;)
Scientology is one of the biggest goddamn hoaxes ever perpetrated on the gullible and the needy.
I did an extensive post of this cult awhile back (before I deleted the blog - big mistake!)...
Good to hear from you, Tommy...hang in there, things gotta improve, right?
By the way, I also re-started a poetry blog - mostly fun and satircal stuff like The Gospel of the Easter Bunny...you might enjoy that - it's called Creative Confections, and it's at:
I'm really tired of all these churches and religions raising hordes of money from people and not paying taxes on it myself.
The tax exempt status for churches should be completely wiped out across the board. If someone wants to start something called a religion, well that's great but don't cloud the concept with a financial incentive.
Plus, if they were taxed it would be a lot easier for the police to catch some of these evangelical crooks that take money away from the elderly on tv and practice faith healing and other crazy things. They should take up an honest trade like selling snake oil to snakes.
I'm glad someone's standing up to Scientologists. They drove me nuts when I lived in L.A. If you give a scientologist chick your number, she'll call you 87 times/day.
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