Thursday, January 15, 2009

No one is above the law, why Mormon's suck, and the Trial of George Bush

"No one is above the law." & "Waterboarding is torture." - - Attorney General Nominee, Eric Holder.

Wow! This is huge. How can Holder not file charges against the President?

There’s gonna’ be trial. The Trial of President Bush. Just typing these words gives me hope that this country will survive the current economic crisis. This hope comes from the same reason I believe that most evangelical churches will eventually fail. Without a real moving base in ethics, the lack of forward progress stifles the health of those pushing against the tide of truth. For us to evolve as a species our ethics must also evolve. Over time, denial of ethical truth becomes a burden. Fortunately for us, to evolve as a nation we only need to vote. Religions are based on a fascist model. Using arguments like tradition, God’s will, and endorsement in scripture reinforces the Church’s cornerstone of power but doesn’t tolerate much growth.

On the forefront lately has been Jesus’ anger with homosexuals, because, for some reason, God cares so very much about how people have sex. According to Jesus, what we do with our genitals is of utmost importance to God. Apparently, God’s acceptance is absolutely dependent on the techniques used during coitus. Jesus went into great detail about how genitals are to be sexually stimulated because God will burn us in everlasting agony if we get this wrong. Is it just me or does this sound like someone is selling bullshit? Wouldn’t God care more about how we treat one another. Silly me.

Big Love is not into Big Taxes.

The Mormon Church has obviously broken the law for tax exempt status.

Thanks to God is for Suckers - - for the posting, "Why Mormon’s Suck."

It’s not much of coincidence that every monotheistic religion demands subjugation of women. Why would the Mormons be any different? My beef with the Mormons reflect directly on their treatment of women. The Mormon church praises the Jesus that demands millions of women to live in domestic servitude. Don’t all women enjoy submitting to being a slave and living in a cultural vacuum? I have no respect for these "religious" men that brainwash little girls into believing this crap. Which is more plausible, Jesus demanding that women submit to their husband’s will or that the church is run by a bunch of horny old men?

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