I don’t find it difficult to believe that we’ve been watching a puppet/dupe President, designed by script, to perpetuate a fraud. A script written by war profiteers and big oil executives strictly for monetary gain. And like a bookie with a fixed game, word gets out. If the rich white criminals were worried about the law, Republicans had their back. There won’t be an investigation because there won’t be any regulations. Toward the end of the dupe-President’s term other corporations wanted their taste at the trough. The doors to the treasury were thrown wide. Logging, auto, homebuilders, all, stepped up to the banquet. The Banks were first in line. Time was growing short. Out of frustration Bush finally said, “here, take all the money” and the Mint’s printing presses began churning out hundred’s like they were putting out a fire. The only way it could of been worse was if Congress had authorized a thousand dollar note.
Now, I am forced to watched the third act of the Shakespearian tragedy, not because someone has a gun to my head, but because I dearly need the validation that the destruction of our nation and possibly the world, means something. It took eight years to produce this play and we finally caught the villain in this story of greed and hubris. It’s the kind of story that demands a reckoning. I’m ashamed to admit that I am lusting for it.
Can there be a trial of George W. Bush without CNN broadcasting live coverage? All I know is that I have no free will. I must watch the Trial-of-the-century-gate.
End the Gate!
In an effort to place a wooden stake through the heart of the suffix “gate,” I am calling on the internet community to support me in artificially adding “gate” to “the trial,” and daring the media outlets: Any use of "gate" after this will be severely vilified and cursed. “End the gate!”* *One proviso, if by chance this movement is caught up in a scandal, then we can call that “End-the-gate-gate!”Loss of My Free Will - Gate
Dust off the guillotine and polish up that blade. If this trial was a concert I’d be first in line. If it was a shopping mall I’d be their drunken Santa. If it was a breakfast, I’d be the sterling silver ladle of justice pouring its frothy white cream over the freshly picked strawberries of crime. (The Tick.) Honestly, Bush’s trial-gate has me worried for my own health. That Roman Coliseum stone seating will be difficult to manage. I’ll need some pillows, two extra televisions complete with Tivo and some sort of colostomy bag. I expect to die from muscle atrophy before “The Trial” is finished. I don’t care if Cheney’s minions sneak in the back door and steal the silverware, I want my front row seat.
But, it all seems too perfect. Act III, Enter stage from the left-wing: A new symbol of hope walks on stage, a black man in shining armor. He’ll be the one to smite the evildoer.
But lest we forget, it was the people of this country that elected George Bush and we all share the blood on our hands for that knucklehead move. Or, at least half of us should.
CNN will be giving Trial-gate a theme song. I vote we steal the Baretta one:
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